HDR Photography
Wolfe Lake Cottage
I've been experimenting with HDR photography for a while now. "HDR" is short for "High Dynamic Range" - the expanded or extended level of contrast and detail in the highlights and the shadows of an image. As a result of the process, these images are usually very vibrant and pleasing to look at. Many take on an "illustration" feel.
There are different ways of achieving HDR. There exist software packages that allow a user to merge several photographs taken at different exposure values to then manipulate preset options from a control panel to achieve a desired look. Such a package is Photomatix.
HDR can also be a totally manual and custom process achieved in Photoshop by applying specific treatments to images. Using this method requires the use of only one well exposed photograph.
On occasion, I experiment with both.
This particular image, a very relaxing scene taken in the Summer of 2010 at friends’ cottage, is a blending of three separately exposed photographs using Photomatix.